The LA wildfire is beyond imagination which has made it a national event/disaster that will be unforgettable. The recovery will appear as insurmountable as well. There is a propensity for politicians to focus on blame or credit from highlighted events and most criticism for the LA wildfire is coming from the cheap seats who have never experienced such a fire. Unfortunately, I have when I was president of Brazil Iowa Farms and my son Matthew was the farm operations officer in Bahia. I have listened to some of the criticism of the fire risk management and the handling of the California wildfire and many of the critics do not know what they do not know. Yes…some fire departments were under-resourced and there was a reservoir that was empty (which there was a reason for) but if everything that critics have pointed out is correct, do you know what difference that would have made to the outcome? None whatsoever. The result would have been exactly the same. Critics do not understand the scale of wildfires and how they are uncontrollable regardless of resources in the worst conditions. Instead of a hurricane with rain and a storm surge, these wildfires are a…