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And What does he have to do with getting the Crops in on Time? Nostradamus, who is also known as Michel de Nostredame, was a French astrologer, apothecary, doctor, and reputed seer, who made some predictions about the Earth through the years. With the publication of his famed book “Les Prophéties” in 1555, Nostradamus gifted the world and its future generations a quasi-poetic time that predicts wars, pestilence, natural disasters, civil unrest, political assassinations and other such lighthearted fare. Outlining his predictions for 2024, the oracle wrote, “The dry Earth will become more parched and there will be great floods.” Sounds like climate change. That could have described our farm in Northwest Iowa last year. The great flood was followed by a drought.   This is the Nostradamus prognostication that caught my attention. Nostradamus wrote: “From the cosmos, a fireball will rise, A harbinger of fate, the world pleads. Science and fate in a cosmic dance, The fate of the Earth, a second chance.” Most interpretations believe that he was referring to an asteroid hitting the earth thus predicting that in 2025, a gigantic asteroid might come dangerously close to colliding with Earth. NASA has some predictions for potential asteroid threats this year, but…

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